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Online digital marketing in 2022 is a whole new ball game. Gone are the days when businesses could get away with just running Facebook ads to generate leads for their business. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need to be able and willing to take advantage of all digital marketing channels at your disposal. This post outlines 10 top digital marketing tips that will help you stay on top of your game in 2022!

Tip #01: Curate Content for your Audience to Gain Brand Exposure. If content is a brand’s mouthpiece and social media is their megaphone, it stands to reason that the brands will need content in order to have something to say! This can be in the form of blog posts or other forms of digital content, such as videos or infographics. The key is to make sure that the content is relevant to your audience and provides them with value.

Tip #02: Create Engaging Videos for Greater Engagement. Video is becoming an increasingly important digital marketing channel, with 92% of brands using it in their digital strategies. If you’re not yet leveraging this medium, now is the time to start! Even if your video doesn’t lead directly to a conversion or sale (such as an e-commerce product), videos are still effective at increasing brand awareness and promoting engagement between customers and your brand.

Tip #03: Use Social Media for Greater Customer Engagement. While your digital content should provide value to your customers, social media is all about connecting directly with them in order to build relationships. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and LinkedIn offer brands the opportunity to connect with customers in real-time, answer their questions, and provide them with valuable insights about your brand. It’s more about the decision where you spend your time to nurture and grow with your audience. Having them all and not doing any well VS really spending quality time with your audience on the ones that best suit your business.

Tip #04: Use Influencer Marketing for Greater Reach. In order to reach a larger audience, consider using influencer marketing. This involves partnering with individuals or groups who have a large social media following and can promote your content or products to their followers. By aligning yourself with credible and influential sources, you can increase the credibility of your brand and boost digital marketing efforts in the process.

Tip #05: Use E-Commerce for Greater Sales. Although digital marketing is largely about branding and lead generation, it can also be used to drive direct sales. This includes digital storefronts such as WooCommerce or Shopify that allow you to sell products directly to customers without having a physical store location. By integrating e-commerce with digital marketing channels, such as social media and digital content, you can drive digital sales and maximise your return on investment.

Tip #06: Look Beyond Social Media when it comes to Digital Marketing Data. With the prevalence of social media in digital culture today, many people mistakenly assume that this type of digital data alone will be enough to inform digital marketing efforts. However, digital marketers should make an effort to look at a variety of different data points when it comes to digital marketing in order to get the full picture about digital culture and consumer habits online.

Tip #07: Optimise Your Website for Mobile Devices. With more people using mobile devices to access the internet, it’s essential that your digital marketing efforts optimise their digital content for mobile devices. This means ensuring that your digital content is responsive and works well with different screen sizes and resolutions, as well as getting rid of hard-to-click links or buttons in favour of more easily accessible ones.

Tip #08: Make Your Digital Marketing Data Actionable with Analytics Tools. In order to improve digital marketing efforts, you need to ensure that the data collected via analytics tools helps digital marketers make smart decisions moving forward. This means making sure that digital content is properly tracked and measured for digital marketing purposes. Moreover, digital marketers must ensure that digital content is optimised for conversion and used to inform future digital marketing efforts.

Tip #09: Experiment with Different Types of Digital Marketing. As digital culture evolves, brands must be prepared to experiment with different types of digital marketing in order to find what works best for their brand. This may include trying new social media platforms, using different content formats, or even experimenting with paid advertising strategies.

Tip #10: Keep on Learning and Evolving with the Digital Landscape. As digital marketers, it’s important to never stop learning and evolving with the digital landscape. This means staying up-to-date on digital marketing trends, changes in consumer behaviour, as well as new technologies that can help improve digital marketing efforts.

There you go. Here’s a little taste of what you can consider for 2022. Hope you found it interesting. If you have any question or want to know more about how digital marketing can help your business grow in 2022 and beyond, get in touch for a chat.

Peace 🙏🏼💛

Tommy Leung

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