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It’s hard to believe, but LinkedIn will be celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2022. In that time, the social media platform has become an essential tool for business owners and professionals of all stripes. Whether you’re looking for a new job, want to expand your network, or need to find a business partner, LinkedIn is the place to be. But many people are still hesitant to use it, thinking that it’s only for job seekers and recruiters. In this blog post, we’ll show you why LinkedIn is so important for businesses and how you can make the most of it!

If you’re not already on LinkedIn, now is the time to join. With over 660 million members worldwide, it’s the largest professional networking site on the internet. And it’s only going to get bigger and more essential in the years to come. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should be using LinkedIn in 2022:

You may have noticed that one of the recent changes on LinkedIn is its new look.

It’s LinkedIn’s first major redesign in nearly five years.

According to LinkedIn, the goal of this major redesign is to make the user experience easier, more inclusive, and to put the community front and center. The goal was to create a simple, modern, and intuitive user experience that also made navigation and discovery easier.

One of the things you’ll notice right away is that the new LinkedIn has a much cleaner look. The top navigation bar has been simplified and there are now only four core sections: Home, My Network, Jobs, and Messaging. This may seem like a small change, but it’s actually a big deal. LinkedIn says that over 70

LinkedIn Cover Story

LinkedIn has also made it easier to create and share content. The platform now offers a range of templates for creating different types of content, including articles, infographics, videos, and SlideShares. You can also now publish directly to LinkedIn from your favorite word processing or presentation software.

Your cover story is a 30-second video. You can use it to introduce yourself and, if time permits, identify your ideal clients and tell them how you can help them solve their problems.

And while you can create your video using mobile or desktop, you can upload and edit it using only the mobile app.

Open to Work on LinkedIn Feature

One of the things that makes LinkedIn so powerful is its ability to connect you with other professionals. But what if you’re not sure who you want to connect with? Or what if you don’t have time to search for potential connections?

LinkedIn has just announced a new open-to-work feature that will make it easier for you to find the right people to connect with.

The open-to-work feature uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to match you with potential connections based on your job title, skills, and interests. It also takes into account the company you work for, your industry, and other factors.

So how does it work?

You may also have noticed that LinkedIn has included two specialized frames you can add to your profile photo:

  • an “Open to Work” frame
  • a “Hiring” frame.

To add an “Open to Work” frame to your profile photo, open the LinkedIn app and tap on the Me icon. Then, tap on your profile photo and select “Edit Profile.” Scroll down and tap on “Add Profile Sections.” Tap on the “Open to Work” section and then select “Save.”

Gender Pronouns on


LinkedIn is also rolling out new gender pronouns that will be displayed on your profile.

The new pronouns are “they,” “them,” and “theirs.”

You can choose your preferred pronoun by opening the LinkedIn app and tapping on the Me icon. Then, tap on your profile photo

Tomer Cohen, LinkedIn’s global head of product, shared that 70% of job seekers believe it’s important that recruiters and hiring managers know their gender pronouns, and 72% of hiring managers agree and believe this shows respect.

So there you have it. These are just a few of the changes that LinkedIn has made in an effort to make the platform more inclusive and easier to use. As we move into 2022, be sure to keep LinkedIn at the top of your list of professional networking sites. It’s only going to become more important as time goes on.

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